The Good Hotel Guide is the leading independent guide to hotels in Great Britain & Ireland, and also covers parts of Continental Europe. The Guide was first published in 1978. It is written for the reader seeking impartial advice on finding a good place to stay. Hotels cannot buy their way into the Guide. The editors and inspectors do not accept free hospitality on their anonymous visits to hotels. All hotels in the Guide receive a free basic listing. A fee is charged for a full web entry.
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The Grasmere Hotel
Grasmere, Cumbria
The River Rothay runs past the back garden of this small country house hotel with attractive individually styled bedrooms and a choice of dining options.
Good Hotel Guide Review
The hotel experts at the Good Hotel Guide
Set back behind a leafy drive in this tourist honeypot village, with a garden bordered by the River Rothay, this small country-house hotel finds favour with our inspectors and trusted readers. A Victorian villa, it has ‘period charm but is very modern in its facilities and workings’. First impressions were of solid comfort, ‘fresh flowers, armchairs with cushions, a strange but attractive assortment of pictures, open fires’, everything ‘spotlessly clean’. New owners Simon and Kate Hustler are ‘much in evidence and especially helpful’. ‘The young female staff are absolutely delightful.’ Individually styled bedrooms are attractive, unshowy. ‘Vintage-style trunks as bedside tables add character.’ Limestone-effect ensuites have a walk-in or over-bath shower, lovely local toiletries. You can eat from a short à la carte menu in the Conservatory Restaurant, with floor-to-ceiling windows onto the garden, ‘handsome portions' of 'beautifully cooked’ dishes such as trio of pork, sweet potato and honey sauce. From Tuesday to Saturday there is the option of an ‘exceptional’ seven-course tasting menu in a second dining room. Breakfast choices include smoked haddock Florentine, vanilla French toast, a full Cumbrian. (Pauline and Stephen Glover, and others)
Hotel Details
Broadgate, Grasmere, Cumbria, LA22 9TA, England
11. 2 on ground floor, one partially suitable for wheelchair user.
all year except Christmas and Jan.
Background Music
in lounge and restaurant during mealtimes.
aged 10 and over welcomed, no extra beds.
not allowed.
B&B doubles from £205, singles from £103. Set-price à la carte £50 (every night, 6–7.30), 7-course tasting menu (6.30pm, Tues–Sat)
bar, lounges, 2 dining rooms, in-room TV, civil wedding licence, ½-acre garden, parking.
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