The Good Hotel Guide is the leading independent guide to hotels in Great Britain & Ireland, and also covers parts of Continental Europe. The Guide was first published in 1978. It is written for the reader seeking impartial advice on finding a good place to stay. Hotels cannot buy their way into the Guide. The editors and inspectors do not accept free hospitality on their anonymous visits to hotels. All hotels in the Guide receive a free basic listing. A fee is charged for a full web entry.
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Britannia House
Lymington, Hampshire
Step inside a red-brick corner house in a yachting town on the edge of the New Forest, to find an idiosyncratic B&B, imbued with the generosity and personality of Tobias Feikle, perfect host and breakfast chef extraordinaire.
Good Hotel Guide Review
The hotel experts at the Good Hotel Guide
Step inside a red-brick corner house in a yachting town on the edge of the New Forest, to find an idiosyncratic B&B, imbued with the generosity and personality of Tobias Feikle, perfect host and breakfast chef extraordinaire. You step inside the Victorian red brick corner house to find a suit of armour and a fine display of hats (pith helmet, trilbies, naval caps . . .). The ethos is one of unstinting generosity. Attention has been lavished on affordable bedrooms, such as first-floor Britannia Suite, styled in imperial gold and black, with bath and shower. The hand-painted ground-floor Courtyard Suite overlooks the courtyard and evergreen garden, the walls hung with an eccentric mix of artwork. The dual-aspect lounge has a marble fireplace, plush sofas, opulent drapes, views across the quay. Rhineland-born Tobias's career in hospitality began with a spell as a bellhop in Munich. He moved on up via the swanky Brenners Park-Hotel in Baden-Baden, and our own Chewton Glen, New Milton (see entry). He launched his B&B in 2000, and remains in sole charge, rustling up a range-cooked breakfast for guests, served at the kitchen table, before they head off for a puffin cruise or to catch a ferry to the Isle of Wight.
Hotel Details
Station Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 3BA, England
5. 2 on ground floor, one 2-storey apartment.
all year except mid-Dec–mid-Jan.
Background Music
not under 8.
not allowed.
B&B doubles from £99, singles from £89. 2-night bookings preferred, but check availability.
lounge, kitchen/breakfast room, in-room TV (Freeview), courtyard garden, parking, unsuitable for disabled.
The Mirror
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